Thursday, May 22, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog #7

I feel that one of the biggest contributors to science was Rosalind Franklin. Rosalind Franklin was the one to discover the structure of DNA. The life story that Rosalind teaches us today to do successful science is to always have a determined and focused attitude. Rosalind was always giving 100 percent into whatever research she had to do in science. She was always willing to do more and never took the easy route to get things done. The reason why I feel this is so important is because in science you have to be willing to keep researching on whatever topic you have. You have to always try and find different pathways so it can help you in your research. The whole point of doing research is to try and figure out something new in science,and I feel Franklin did that well. The challenges and obstacles that Rosalind had to do was being able to find a clear picture for the structure of DNA. She overcame this challenge by trying over and over again to get a clear picture. Even though she spent hours and days trying to figure it out she still managed to get it done.
Unfortunately at first Rosalind was not recognized for her hard work due to her competitors Watson and Crick. Later on in time though people actually started figuring out that it was her who discovered the structure. A big part of why she was not recognized was because of her gender. I feel that Rosalind Franklin acts as an inspiration to women. Rosalind inspires woman to do better especially in the science field. She gives a sense of determination to know that not only man can be successful in the science field.

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