Monday, May 19, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog #6

       The topic that I will be discussing in my research paper is Rosalind Franklin. I will argue that Rosalind Franklin was wrongly deprived of recognition for her role in discovering the structure of DNA because of her gender.
        One of the sources that provided me with information about Rosalind Franklin and her discovery of DNA isAccess Science.The reason I chose this source is because I felt that it would give me a lot of information about Franklin. I also felt that since Rosalind Franklin played a huge part in science that this source would show me a lot of results that was relevant to my topic.This source gives me a solid background of Rosalind Franklin. It gives me information about her education and how it gave her knowledge to helping discover the structure of DNA. It also gives me information about her time spent discovering  DNA and how she got to that point. It tells me important details about Watson and Crick who played a big part of taking credit for her discovery. By adding these type of points into my research paper it can be able to prove my thesis on how Franklin should have been recognized for a Nobel Prize.
       My second source was found in JSTOR. A book called Rosalind Franklin and DNA by Anne Sayre. The reason why I chose JSTOR was because I knew that it could help me out with information that I needed. This source gives me information about feminism. It mentions that part of the reason that Rosalind Franklin was not recognized for the Nobel Prize was because she was a female. Its information that backs up my whole argument on my research paper. The argument that the author is making is that feminism played a major role in science. There is details that involve Watson and Crick and why it was more natural an easier for them to be looked at highly rather than Franklin. It also goes back to my whole point of why she was not recognized because of her gender.

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