Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog Assignment 3

The two topics that I may possibly discuss is portraying robots in film or women in science: Rosalind Franklin. The reason why I am interested in discussing portraying robots in film is because I feel that it relates to what we have been talking about in our LIB 200 class. By this I mean that I can be able to discuss how the film presentation of future of robotics perspective is on technology. A movie that I am interested in looking at is I,Robot. I feel that this movie will give me a good sense on how robots are presented in the future. I can discuss how the view on robots can be seen later in our future and what kind of influences it will have on us. By picking this choice it will also give me a opportunity to talk about how robots and humans differ. How does the film challenge the understanding of what it means to be human. By viewing this film I can be able to relate it to the topics we have been discussing in class about robots. I can compare their actions now and how they will be later on according to our technology use and how they keep progressing in the movie. The other topic that I thought of discussing is Women in science: Rosalind Franklin. One of the main reasons that I want to discuss this topic is because of the fact that I agree that she should of earned credit for discovering the structure of DNA. I feel that it would be a really cool topic to talk about. I also feel that she should of been recognized with a Nobel Prize. I could just basically talk about the facts of why she deserved to be recognize and her history of the discovery of the structure of DNA.
After long thinking about my decision,I have come to the conclusion that I will be picking the topic of...portraying robots in film. I feel that this would be a more fun/interesting topic to discuss in my research paper. I also feel that it can provide me with a lot of information. It will be a cool topic to discuss therefore I will enjoy writing it better. I have more background information on the movie and it relates more to what we have been learning in the class.

<br> LIB 200

1 comment:

  1. Doing a paper on Rosalind Franklin would be great -- I hope you choose this option. Did you get the handout on 6 Research Topics -- it lists the starter sources for this paper. --Prof. Dragan
