Monday, March 24, 2014

Critical Thinking Post #2-Popular Science Today

After watching the new series of Cosmos:A Spacetime Odyssey,I learned how fascinating it was to know about how science works and space. I felt that this show gave more of a science point of view rather than a humanistic point of view. This is because they deal with a lot of science and facts about how the world began and what goes on in the galaxy. The show starts off going through the different types of planets. Two interesting facts that i learned while viewing is that there could be life on Mars. This was interesting to me because i always wondered where else life can be other than Earth. One other thing that also captured my attention was when they decided to put our whole billions years of life into a small amount of time. They figured out that if they were able to do this in minutes that our evolution of organisms and us transforming would of lasted about 40 seconds. After watching how massive space can be I came to realize how small we really are in this world. Even though we might think that we are important because we are living and we have transformed through evolution to be an amazing human being,there is still so much more that is out there. The show Cosmos gives a optimistic view on science because it explores everything that scientist know of in space. The show also gives a tone of hope for discovery of what we can later on know through our inventions. Cosmos helps other know more about science and they do it in a fun way. Unlike just putting pictures and rambling on about science,the show helps us learn through the magnificent use of graphics and even the animated cartoons. These things are able to help the viewers know the facts of science and make it feel like we are actually there with the use of graphics. They add in their own way to entertain rather than just put pictures and talk about them. By them doing this it gives the viewers a fun way of learning and a way to keep watching the show.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone,
My name is Betty. I am a liberal arts math and science major. I plan on going to a 4 year university to get my bachelors in medicine. I am looking forward to this LIB 200 class because i feel its going to help me open my mind to many different things. I feel that I am more of a science person. I find science interesting and I have always been good at science courses. I feel that science plays a major part in our world today and that there is still a lot more that we have to discover about science.